
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Worst School Lunch

The worst school lunch hands down that I've had was the "macaroni and cheese" which I'm still scarred from eating it and disappointed that I wasted my school lunch money on it when I could have gotten the other option which was a chicken sandwich.
I remember that it was a really good day until I got very emotional when I ate it, and by the way I'm not even stressing it out, it was so bad that it made you question "what is life?".
First of all, the cheese tasted so fake and authentic like plastic with an artificial flavor. Also the macaroni was really hard and crusty, it was really bad, and the burnt stuff on some of the macaronis made it even worse.
When I first put about a chunk of the macaroni and cheese in my mouth my body instantly was like "nope!" and I spit it out so fast. I was like "What did I just eat?", "Why would they feed us this?", "Why is this even a thing?". 
Think about eating like macaroni's that you already bought cooked that was sitting on your kitchen table in room temperature for about 3 weeks, and like glue mixed with cheese on top of it, that is what it would basically taste like.
I honestly can't judge the dish now because I tasted it last year and I don't order the school lunches anymore, so I don't know if it improved or not, but the last time I did it was really bad, so 1/10 stars for the effort.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Canada 2015

Over the summer I went to Canada to visit my aunt and cousin from my dad's side like how we always do every 2 years. I was gonna have to miss the first week of school but it was worth it because the trip was really fun and I've also leaned a lot.
Usually when we go to Canada we drive there instead of fly there, so it was a 10 hour ride, but if you include the stops for gas and food then all together it would be about a 12 hour ride. But it wasn't that bad because I slept for most of the ride.
The first day and second day we basically just settled in my aunt's house and they took us around Toronto to go shopping and such. The third day we went on a road trip to Quebec and Montreal which was all together about 12 hours.
When we arrived to Quebec almost everyone there spoke French so we didn't really understand some of the attractions. But we went to a church and this town where there's like paintings and a lot of gift shops which was fun. We also went on this tour bus where it showed us around Quebec like the river and they told us about some of the churches.
When we went to Montreal there wasn't really that much attractions that I remember because we didn't really go to any other than just walk around the town that our hotel was at. But overall this tripe to Canada was really fun and I can't wait to go back.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Fault in Our Stars // Movie Review

The Fault in Our Stars wasn't bad but it wasn't excellent. When I first heard that they were making The Fault in Our Stars into a movie I was really excited, but after I saw the movie I was like "what just happened?". The movie cast was nicely chosen like I did imagine Augustus and Hazel to look like how they did in the movie but Issac not so much because in the book they said he was blonde. The acting wasn't that good, I felt like they could have done better because when the cast were reciting the famous "quotes" they had in the book, it sounded so scripted, and also they didn't include some of the stuff that happened in the book but it didn't really bother me that much, which obviously they can't include everything that happened since they don't want to make a movie that's 4 hours long. Yes, I did cry at that part where Hazel reads her "letter" to Augustus, which I'm not going to spoil for the people who have not read or seen the movie but I felt like that was the strongest part of the movie and most effective. I probably cried more at the actual scene of the movie than I did when I read the book.
Overall the movie was good, I visualized some parts in the movie to be like when I read them but I felt more that the acting was kind of bad at some points, in my opinion Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort had better acting in Divergent. I would give this movie 7/10 stars!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


One thing I could spend more time doing in 2016 is to not always be on the internet and instead try new things and hang out with friends and family. I felt like 70% of my 2015 was taken over by the internet like I would always be on my phone or computer, about like 19 hours most days which is not healthy. I realized that you get to caught in being like in a trance with a gadget that you forget everyone that's around you which causes to break relationships with other people and also the internet made me not the best person. It has been said that some people would rather stay at home being on their technology all day than hang out with their friends. The most important thing that I think you would gain is more happiness, because I come to realize that obviously we aren't here on this earth forever and our phones/computers aren't permanent, so why waste valuable time spending more time on a item that causes stress when you could instead try things you haven't tried before that has nothing to do with phones, or even spend time with family or friends to make good memories? It is a big sacrifice to cut down on phone/computer time because I understand that phones are addicting and our phones have like "everything we need" which is far from true, so even though yes it is hard just realize it's for the better.