
Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Year

My life four years ago was way different from how it is now. For starters four years ago I was about 10 years old and being an innocent elementary student who didn't know much about life at the moment. I would say four years ago I lived a more happier and not stressful life because technology wasn't really ideal for 10 years old back then and mostly four years ago I had more energy.
Now in the present obviously I'm older and the more you grow the more "stuff you'll learn about life" which I've learned a lot from the obstacles I've had to face growing up. Life is more stressful now and I don' really have as much energy as I did back in the days to try new things, but I feel like today I'm more confident then the shy girl I was in 4th grade.
I expect my life in 2020 to be successful, more wise about the choices I make,to be cautious about myself, etc. But obviously in 2020 our generation is gonna be more different then how it is now, I just hope I don't end up without a graduation diploma because of peer pressures.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

When You Try Your Best But You Don't Succeed

"I don't want to do it!" I exclaimed.
"Why not, you chose dare." Tracy said. Me and my friends decided to play a game of truth or dare which everyone went but me, I hope they wouldn't notice me but they did and gave me possibly the worst task I'd ever have to do in my life.
"Because I'm a duck like you guys are, not a bird." I said trying to sound convincing.
"Yea, but you have wings." 
"They aren't use for flying."
"Have you ever tried?"
"Why don't you try it?"
"Because I already did my dare, which was to quack at the random guy at the dock until he got annoyed."
"At least you didn't get injured."
"Yea, but he chased me like 10 feet."
"Iv'e tried flying, and I actually did it." Mark said coming into the conversation. Finally I let in and agreed to do it.
"Fine I'll do it but where should I go?"
"Over there at the ledge that goes to the lake."
"That's too high!" I said considering again to back out.
"It doesn't matter because you'll be able to fly, just like how Mark said." Tracy replied getting annoyed.
"I'm gonna be able to fly right?" I said looking at Mark. 
"Yes... And even if you don't you'll fall into the lake." He said having a weird expression, but I didn't question.
"Okay fine." We all walked to the ledge and I looked down, we were pretty high up and all I saw was the lake. Why am I honestly doing this?
"WAIT!! Do I have t-" Before I could finish my sentence Tracy pushed me towards the ledge where I tripped. It took me a second to realize that I was falling. What do I do? I could hear my friends cheering and laughing from behind but I couldn't turn to see. 
I flapped my wings but it was no use, I cant fly. I'm so gullible to actually believe Mark that ducks can actually fly when in reality the only place my wings can take me is like 2 inches off the ground and that's it.
On the way down I was thinking of ways to get back at them.