
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Graduation Speech

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." - Doctor Seuss

    4 years ago I walked in this building not knowing what would happen for my whole Middle School experience. 4 years may seem like a long time, but it actually flied by really fast. Pretty soon another 4 years will fly by and my sister will be in my position and I'll be and adult and soon off to college. 4 hours from now I'll be officially graduated from Middle School, and probably less than 4 minutes from now my speech will leave an impact for future graduates.
      This school has impacted me not only as a person but as a more knowledgeable student, which I would like to think all of the teachers here for doing their absolute best to give us a good education. Mrs Joyner taught me how to easily write a 3 page essay and how to amp up my writing skills that I thought would be hard to do when I was a 5th grader, Mr Carris educated me on world history topics that I thought were irrelevant when I was younger to learn but they actually are important and made a huge impact on earth, Mrs Conejo opened me up to a new language where when I was young the only thing I knew how to do was count to ten in Spanish when now I know enough to have a conversation with someone Hispanic, Mr Carro taught me how to solve algebraic questions easily that I used to think were just random equations that made no sense, and last Mrs Maldonado changed my aspect of life by teaching us about our environment and about our body, where my 9 year old self only knew about the skeletons in our body but now I know about the other organs and how they function.
    This also goes to the staff and principal who make sure everyone has a fun and good middle school experience by going out of their way to plan us fun activities like "Camp Mclean" which not only did I really have a fun time but it also made me build more friendships, and rewarding us for getting through the week with Cardinal Coupons drawing every Friday.
 Our school is yes pretty small compared to other schools, but that gives our school an advantage to know almost everyone who attends which goes for the staff. For example if you're ever feeling down they can tell and will assist you with one of the social workers (Mrs. Orsello and Mrs. Featherstone), and if you're struggling with grades, the staff makes sure you get extra help so you can do better in your classes which will impact you in the future. I can go on and on about all the teachers and staff here but sadly we would be here until the next graduation of 2017.
    Although I've may had some rocky times here, this school taught me to just push forward and not give up, because in the end it will all be worth it. I've watched my grades grow from usually being a C and B student to an all A and B high honors student.
     I remember when I walked into this school I was so excited to finally turn 13 and become an actual teenager, and let me tell you, when the day hit I felt great, but now realizing I'm gonna be an adult in another 4 years is absolutely crazy.
     For future graduates, everything is possible if you have your mind set and never give up. You all should enjoy Middle School while you can and just have a fun time because later in life there will be new challenges that await.

1 comment:

  1. I really think this is a good graduation speech. You just need to improve on a few grammatical errors. But good job on this 😊
