
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Special Gift

      One special gift I have received in the past was a leapfrog that I've gotten when I was about 6 years old from my parents on Christmas. It was such a big deal because for starters the leapfrog commercial was every where and it said you could buy games for it. Also it had like random buttons and a touch screen, well only if you used the stylus on the screen, but same thing! And I felt like everyone little kid had one so I felt left out.
    The leapfrog was my first "electronic device" and I loved it a lot even though I always would get frustrated with it and throw on the floor because I either kept losing on the game or the touch screen would freeze. But unfortunately I got tired of it after like a month and now I don't even know where it is today, but it probably got lost in a closet.
   Overall it was way too much for $100 when like if you bought 2 games for it, it would equal the same price as the leapfrog so 5/10 stars but if I was 6 years old I would give it about 8/10 stars because it was still fun.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Debate Topic

My debate topic is 'Should bullies be held legally responsible if the victim commits suicide?'. I would say this topic is very controversial and a both side type of debate, me and my peers had a lot of back and forth with this question.
    Some people said yes for the reason because the bully(s) were the ones who triggered the victim to kill themselves by taunting, blackmailing, and other horrid stuff, and it wasn't fair for them to just get away with it because they could find another victim to bully which causes them to commit suicide or hurt themselves, there for they will never learn their lesson if they don't get legal punishment like going to jail.
    The other half said no because it was the victim's choice to die not the bully(s), and the bully could be going through things of their own which causes them to act like how they are.
   Overall this topic is very debatable and its like half and half. Personally I'm back and forth with this topic, because yes the victim chose to die but then again the bully(s) were the one who caused them to commit suicide, and they could do it again to other people because they feel like they have that much power.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Favorite Quote

"I have to come to realize that just making yourself happy is important. Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy."

That quote connects to me the most and is my favorite because I realized in my 14 years of living, which is pretty young but you actually learn a lot about life in those ages, that there will be times when you feel like you are peer pressured to feel like you have to do something to win people's approval or to even change things about yourself to please them. I used to be that type of person to rely on other people's happiness all the time like trying to make them happy and forgetting about my own happiness which if you can guess didn't really make me happy. But I've come to realize that you should do what you want for yourself unless like it's gonna cause you to go to jail then don't do that. Also not have to feel like you can't say your own opinion and just have to agree with what everyone else is saying.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

What I'm Thankful For

Since Thanksgiving is coming up I'm going to list all of the things I'm very thankful for.  For starters I'm thankful for my family because they do so much for us, but it's true even as unbelievable as it sounds. They're always they're for us and like they say "people come and go but family is forever", even though that sounds really cringe worthy its 99.9% true. They help us basically stay "alive" by giving us our needs like food and shelter because they work for it and to keep us in school.
   I'm also thankful for basically being alive because yes of course life can suck sometimes and may not go our ways, there's still a lot more to life and "life goes on" thing comes in. There's so much things I'd like to try that I haven't out in the world.
   Last I'm very thankful for friends which in the first paragraph I said "friends come and go but family is forever", BUT it is nice to have good friendships to help you through stuff and have similar interests that's around your age because unlike family they were obviously born in a different generation so they don't really understand kids how they are now. So you can have a better connection.
  Those are 3 things i'm very thankful for, the list can go on but I picked the most important in my opinion to me.